- Reed, Carol
- ► (1906-76) Director cinematográfico británico. Películas: El tercer hombre y Oliver, entre otras.
Enciclopedia Universal. 2012.
Enciclopedia Universal. 2012.
Reed, Carol — • РИД (Reed) Кэрол (30.12.1906 25.4.1976) англ. режиссёр. С 1927 работал в т ре актёром. В кино с нач. 30 х гг. В 1936 пост. приключенч. ф. Мичман Тихий , в том же году создал картину Ракитовая аллея (по Дж. Б. Пристли), одну из лучших среди… … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
REED (C.) — REED CAROL (1906 1976) Ancien acteur, secrétaire et conseiller théâtral de l’infatigable romancier Edgar Wallace, Carol Reed débute au cinéma comme assistant de David Lean, puis dirige de 1942 à 1945 l’Army Film Unit. À la tradition quasi… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Carol Reed — [Carol Reed] (1906–76) an English film ↑director best remembered for his film of the Graham Greene novel ↑Third Man. His other films include Our Man in Havana (1959) … Useful english dictionary
Reed — Reed, Carol * * * (as used in expressions) Reed, John Reed, Sir Carol Reed, Thomas B(rackett) Reed, Walter Reed, Willis … Enciclopedia Universal
Carol Reed — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Reed. Carol Reed Données clés Naissance 30 décembre 1906 Londres, Angleterre Royaume Uni Nationalité … Wikipédia en Français
Carol Reed — Infobox Actor bgcolour = silver name = Carol Reed birthdate = December 30, 1906 location = Putney, London, England deathdate = death date and age|1976|4|25|1906|12|30 deathplace = Chelsea, London, England spouse = Diana Wynyard (1943 1947)… … Wikipedia
Carol Reed (weather broadcaster) — otherpeople3|the weather forecaster|the film director|Carol ReedCarol Reed (died June 4, 1970), always introduced as Carol Reed, the weather girl , presented the weather portion of the evening newscasts on WCBS TV in New York City from 1952 to… … Wikipedia
Carol Reed — Nacimiento 30 de diciembre de 1906 Putney, Londres, Inglaterra Ocupación Guionista, productor y director de cine. Sir Carol Reed (Londres, Inglaterra; 30 de diciembre de 1906 – Ibídem; 25 de abril de 1976) fue un director de cine inglés, conocido … Wikipedia Español
Reed (name) — Reed may be either a surname or given name.Reed as a surnameFamily name name = Reed image size = 50 caption = variations on red pronunciation = meaning = variant of Reid, which refers to reddish or ruddy facial complexion region = language =… … Wikipedia
Reed — /reed/, n. 1. Sir Carol, 1906 76, British film director. 2. Ishmael (Scott), born 1938, U.S. novelist and poet. 3. John, 1887 1920, U.S. journalist and poet. 4. Stanley Forman /fawr meuhn/, 1884 1980, U.S. jurist: associate justice of the U.S.… … Universalium